Getting Peace Right: Strategies for Sustainable Peacebuilding and Community Development

Event | April 2024

From left the right: Berhanu Haile, Somali Country Director of Finn Church Aid; Katherine Marshall, Professor and Senior Fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University; Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Executive Director of the Peacemakers Network; Elizabeth Pelletreau, Director of the Office of Assistance for Africa, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration at the US Department of State; and Wycliffe Nsheka, Uganda Country Director of Finn Church Aid. Photo: Embassy of Finland in Washington, DC.

The Embassy of Finland in Washington, DC in collaboration with Finn Church Aid (FCA) and the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers (Peacemakers Network) hosted a joint event titled, ‘Getting Peace Right: Strategies for Sustainable Peacebuilding and Community Development.’ Convening stakeholders from the United States Governments, DC-based embassies, international organizations and private sector representatives, and broader civil society, this event underscored the importance of education, inclusion and innovative partnerships to strengthen sustainable peace and development around the world.

Mikko Hautala, Ambassador of Finland to the United States. Photo: Embassy of Finland in Washington, DC.

Mr. Mikko Hautala, Ambassador of Finland to the United States welcomed guests to the Finnish Embassy, reiterating Finland’s committed role to advancing education and peace mediation worldwide.

Sustainable socio-economic development and harmonious societies can only emerge through the holistic advancement of educational opportunities, robust development aid, livelihood support, and peace mediation. In recognizing this nuance, Finland and the United States has long invested in development aid cooperation and peace mediation, extending assistance to the most vulnerable communities.

Dr. Tomi Järvinen, Executive Director of Finn Church Aid. Photo: Embassy of Finland in Washington, DC.

“FCA sees quality education as the foundation of sustainable development. It sustains democracy, provides the keys to solving the climate crisis and getting a decent job, and it is the cornerstone of sustainable peace efforts.”

Dr. Tomi Järvinen, Executive Director of Finn Church Aid

How to Get Peace Right

The evening featured insights from panellists representing FCA’s Somalia and Uganda Country Office, US Department of State and Georgetown University. Moderated by Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Executive Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemaker, panellists reflected on how inclusive partnerships and the triple nexus can strengthen overall peacebuilding efforts.

“To get peace right, we need to focus on engaging those on the ground, identify innovative ways to incorporate the triple nexus and strengthen multistakeholder collaboration,” remarked Dr. Elsanousi. “We have seen repeatedly that sustainable peace is only possible when adopting a ‘whole of society approach.’ This includes the engagement of women and youth.”

Professor Katherine Marhsall, Senior Fellow at the Berkley Center at Georgetown University emphasized the need for innovative approaches. “While the international community understands what needs to be done to advance education, employment and peacebuilding, we are in a very difficult time. We need to find a way to link the triple nexus to get out of our troubled time. Religious actors are an integral part in that process,” she explained.


Photo: Embassy of Finland in Washington, DC.

Photo: Embassy of Finland in Washington, DC.

FCA’s educational curriculum in some of the most fragile contexts remains unparalleled in ensuring that youth and adults alike have access to safe, inclusive schools with quality teaching for everyone. This foundation draws on Finland’s internationally recognized education expertise at all levels.

“The investment in education is critical, especially during humanitarian crises. Education cannot wait – especially in crisis zones,” explains Berhanu Haile, FCA Somalia Country Director.

Wycliffe Nsheka, FCA’s Uganda Country Director highlighted that FCA works in nine refugee camps, ensuring some of the country’s most vulnerable people receive a quality education and access to skills training to obtain employment. He also “highlighted Uganda’s progressive refugee  model which he emphasized is at breaking point due to limited funding.”

The United States Government is the fourth largest supporter of FCA, primarily supporting its education work in Uganda. DoS ensures partnership is at the center of its work and provides diplomatic assistance to support the rights of migrants and refugees.

“Under the nexus approach, we need to think about new partnerships to invest in fragile economies and build sustainable infrastructures to support sustainable peace,” shares Director Elizabeth Pelletreau, Director of the Office of Assistance for Africa of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration at the U.S. Department of State.

The priorities of right to education, livelihoods, and peace, championed by MFA Finland, FCA, and the Peacemakers Network are critical to supporting social cohesion and development within communities. Further, Finland’s unwavering support and cooperation with FCA and the Peacemakers Network through joint initiatives of advancing peace mediation efforts, hosting dialogue between authorities and religious and traditional actors, and advancing the meaningful engagement of women and youth, has proved a critical mechanism to support sustainable peace at a national level in Finland and throughout the world.

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