Network Training
Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism through Community Resilience Training Modules
As part of the European Union funded PAVE project, five online and offline training modules were developed for practitioners and local communities to strengthen their ability to promote and support inclusive local multi-stakeholder partnerships in preventing and addressing violent extremism, with group activity exercises, tools and opportunities for self-reflection. The training modules increase understanding and capacity for creating multi-stakeholder partnerships between civil society, religious actors and government officials to increase community resilience against violent extremism.
Religion and Mediation Course
The Religion and Mediation Course is a specialized training course developed for mediators, peace practitioners, policymakers, and other individuals working to address conflicts in contexts where religion, tradition, and/or different worldviews have strong relevance. This experience-oriented and interactive learning course aims to advance the understanding of how religion, tradition, and worldviews play a role in conflict resolution, provide tools for analyzing the role of religion, tradition, and worldviews in conflict, and advance familiarity in approaches to mediating and transforming conflicts with the aforementioned dimensions.
The Religion and Mediation Course convenes annually 25 selected individuals in Switzerland. It is a collaborative effort of the Peacemakers Network, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, CSS/ETH Zurich, and the UN Department of Political Affairs. Stay tuned for more information on the 2020 Religion and Mediation Course application.
UN Specialized Training Course
The Network together with CSS/ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, and the UN Department of Political Affairs conduct specialized training courses for UNDPA and DPKO staff to advance religion and mediation within the United Nations. This course introduces concepts and tools for analyzing the role of religion, tradition, and worldview differences in conflict and approaches to mediating and transforming conflicts with these dimensions. The course combines guest speakers, peer-to-peer learning, case studies, simulations, and class discussions.
E-Advocacy Training

Advocacy is the process of building support for a specific issue or cause and influencing others to take action in order to achieve the desired change. Advocacy can take place on many levels, including locally, nationally, regionally, and internationally. E-Advocacy is instrumentalizing the advocacy process online, or in other words, online organizing.
AHA! Training Modules

As part of the capacity-building efforts, The EU-funded AHA! project has developed 4 training modules for a deeper understanding of intersectional inclusion in peacebuilding advocacy work. The presentations will provide new learning skills to approach conflict resolution and encourage deciphering conflict through a holistic lens.