Isoko Partners for Peace and Gender Equality

ISOKO Partners for Peace and Gender Equality (ISOKO) is an international Nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering peace and gender equality in the Great Lakes Region (Central, East, and the Horn) of Africa. ISOKO works with local partners to strategically develop and design innovative programs and interventions that promote peace and gender equality, using the “do no harm” principle and “gender sensitivity” and “conflict sensitivity” approaches. ISOKO provides civil society organizations with the skills needed to deliver gender equality interventions and implement the WPS and YPS programs. ISOKO provides opportunities for individuals and organizations to build knowledge and expertise and promote innovation and good practice on WPS and YPS agendas, including through research, training, and experience-sharing amongst organizations.
Focus Areas
Developing inclusive mechanisms for localization & implementation of UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security
Strengthening civil society & youth groups to realize their full participation in the implementation & monitoring of the UNSCR 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security
Engaging women & men as partners for peacebuilding & gender equality
Supporting women & youth economic empowerment
country: united states