March 2024
The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers was honored to be recognized by His Excellency Ambassador Al Khalifa and the Embassy of Bahrain for its collaborative efforts with religious actors, civil society, and government institutions to promote peaceful coexistence around the world. Peacemakers Network Executive Director, Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, accepted this recognition during the Embassy of Bahrain’s annual Iftar in Washington, DC.
“This recognition is truly a testament of the collective efforts we have taken alongside religious actors and peacebuilders globally and this is a tribute to the individuals and communities we serve.”
Dr. Mohamed Elsanousi, Executive Director, the Peacemakers Network
Ambassador Shaikh Abdullah Bin Rashid Al Khalifa sharing remarks at the Iftar.
The Iftar shed light on the efforts made to advance humanitarian initiatives and fostering peaceful coexistence between interfaith communities. Chef José Andrés, Founder of World Central Kitchen offered keynote remarks at the event, emphasizing the importance of such endeavours.
The Peacemakers Network extends its sincere appreciation to its members, supporters and partners around the world for their veracious efforts in strengthening mutual understanding and inclusion amongst diverse communities.