Religion and Mediation Course
Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich
Offered Annually
The Religion and Mediation Course (RMC) is a specialized training for mediators and peace practitioners. This course is designed to deepen the understanding of participants concerning the interplay between religion and politics in violent political conflicts. The course brings together mediators, peace practitioners, policy makers, and others working to address violent political conflicts in contexts where religion has strong relevance.
6th International Conflict Management Conference
Kennesaw State University (US)
March 29-30, 2016
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Interfaith Mediation Training Workshop
University of Massachusetts Boston (US)
Ongoing: request whenever
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‘Training of Leaders on Religious & National Coexistence’
Interfaith Mediation Center (Nigeria)
Various, 2012-2017
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KAICIID Dialogue Center (Nigeria)
A three day workshop for 300 Christian and Muslim women and youth on using dialogue to prevent conflict.
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Managing Conflict in Religious Organizations
Mediation Training Institute International (US)
On going request.
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Managing Conflict in Religious Organizations
Mediation Training Institute International (US)
On going request.
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Drew Institute on Religion and Conflict Transformation (US)
The Institute’s goal is to train Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders from around the world in inter-religious understanding and dialogue and conflict transformation.
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International Center for Religion and Diplomacy
The International Center for Religion and Diplomacy offers regional workshops in Afghanistan intended to bring together for discussion political and religious leaders who have had little, if any, contact with one another.
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Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding & The Mediation of Ethnic and Religious conflicts
International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation (US)
Offered Annually
The primary goal of the specialized mediation training program, The Mediation of Ethnic and Religious Conflicts, is to equip participants with the theoretical and practical tools needed to successfully prevent, manage and resolve tribal, ethnic, racial, cultural, religious and sectarian conflicts through proper analysis, policy development, mediation and dialogue.
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Al Amana International (New York City)
Providing trainings for diplomats, mediators, and peace negotiators in the field of religion and diplomacy. Subsidiary of Al Amana Centre in the Sultanate of Oman.
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Rose Castle Foundation (England)
Brings together religious leaders from nations experiencing civil war and internal conflict. Religious leaders from opposing sides of a conflict gather in a retreat setting at Rose Castle in Cumbria, England, for residential courses in mediation, conflict resolution, peacebuilding and religion.
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