ID-Peace – Interreligious Dialouge for Peace and Social Cohesion in Northern Mozambique
The Peacemakers Network is implementing project ID-PEACE (Interreligious Dialogue for Peace and Social Cohesion in Mozambique) along with MASC Foundation as the lead implementing agency. The project will contribute to reducing inter- and intra- communal tensions and related religious freedom abuses by strengthening social cohesion and religious tolerance in northern Mozambique.
It will focus on building the capacity of local community leaders and civil society actors to promote active dialogue and engagement with local authorities, the project will guarantee effective local ownership, leading to sustainability and ultimately to improved development outcomes.
The project will be implemented for a duration of 24 months in Northern Mozambique with a focus on the districts of Chiure (province of Cabo Delgado), Memba (Nampula) and Sanga (Niassa). The project began in September 2021. Click here to learn more about the first outreach seminar.
Stories for Peace and Social Cohesion:
A Toolkit for Peace Practitioners and Mediators