iDove Programme – Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism

The Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove) is an intercontinental platform of exchange and learning for youth working on preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) and building social cohesion. The platform includes approximately 150 youth from the ages of 18-35 and 49 countries across Africa, Asia, and Europe.


Intercontinental Youth Forum (IYF)

iDovers come together annually to build networks, acquire a sense of ownership, build a common identity and develop strategies in the field of PVE. This photo is from the iDove Intercontinental Youth Forum in Helsinki, Finland. 2023.


Youth Project Findings on Advancing Gender Transformative Approaches to P/CVE

iDove funds and provides support to iDovers led small-grants projects which are implemented through their local organizations and joint initiatives. The small grant programmes aim to strengthen the individual and institutional capacity of the iDovers and to ensure timely and effective youth-led responses to violent extremism. Throughout 2024, iDove funded four initiatives across six countries in Africa that embraced a gender transformative approach to P/CVE. You can read more about these initiatives below.

Beyond Conflict: The USHIRIKA Project’s Path to Gender Justice and Social Cohesion

Armed conflicts and violent extremism have rapidly intensified in areas such as Lubero and Ituri, with young people…
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Breaking Barriers: Empowering Yobe’s Young Women for Peace and Change

Even though Boko Haram insurgency is affecting both genders in Yobe state, northeast Nigeria, women…
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Reimagining Peace: Youth Empowerment and Gender Equality in Liptako’s PVE Mission

The project has challenged the gender norm related to the belief that…
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Turning the Tide: Nawiri’s Gender-Inclusive Approach to Countering Extremism in Kinango

The specter of terrorism looms large over the Kinango Sub-county in Kwale County. The community is…
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Terrorism and violent extremism (VE) are challenges that harms societies around the globe in similar but context-specific ways. Neither radicalization nor VE is rooted in one cause alone – whether ideological, political, ethnic, or religious. As recognized by the UN General Assembly “terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group.” Therefore, addressing terrorism and violent extremism is, first and foremost, a communal challenge best faced together.


Explore iDover-led initiatives to prevent violent extremism in their communities

The iDove Training of Trainers model equips and empowers iDovers with the direct skills and tools needed to lead in preventing and countering violent extremism in their communities.

Youth in Action for Peace

Facilitating interfaith dialogue processes through a focus on religious scriptures and by creating local peace committees.
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Nokadaka: Union of People

Creating synergy of action between different actors for lasting peace results.
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Safe Community Youth Initiative

Using collaborative approaches towards preventing young people being recruited into extremist groups.
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Countering Malices in the Digital Sphere

Influence the digital world to counter negative narratives to strengthen resilience of individuals and communities.
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PVE Extra!

Utilizing the power of storytelling to advance collaboration, interfaith and interethnic harmony within communities.
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Our Imperative: No Hate! No Violence!

Tackling hate speech in the region of Bosnia and Herzegovina by equipping youth with skills to monitor hate speech.
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SEMI-ARID Health Initiative

Strengthen community-led, CVE-relevant support and increasing trust and collaboration between community members and relevant local government.
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Who We Work With

Our Partners

The Interfaith Dialogue on Violet Extremism (iDove) has been jointly launched by the African Union Commission (AUC) through the Citizens and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Peacemakers Network supports the actions implemented by the iDover-associated organizations to enhance their organizational capacity building to ensure timely and effective youth-led responses to preventing violence.


About the Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism

iDove is an intercontinental platform of exchange and learning for youth working on preventing extremism (PVE) and building social cohesion, specifically focusing on youth (ages 18-35) from Africa, Asia, and Europe. iDove consists of approximately 150 members from 49 countries worldwide. Download the full ‘About’ document to read more!

Young People Building Peace

Violent extremism, whether motivated by politics, religion or idealogy, is a global problem. Prevention is most successful if it tackles the causes and strengthens social cohesion. Seven young activists explain the steps they are taking to strengthen social cohesion and prevent violent extremism all over the world; read more here.

Blogs /
Opinion Pieces

Learning and Building Capacity to Prevent Violent Extremism

A youth reflection piece by Sheku Anna Chundung, former Project Manager at Youth Initiative Against Violence and Human Rights Abuse (YIAVHA). Read more.

iDove Intercontinental Youth Forum 2024

A youth reflection piece by Sheku Anna Chundung, former Project Manager at Youth Initiative Against Violence and Human Rights Abuse (YIAVHA). Read more.

A Transformative Experience in Youth Peacebuilding

A youth reflection piece by Harriet Ahalo, Founder of WeRise Africa and iDover. Read more.